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New! From The Award-Winning Film Producer & Cancer Researcher...

Nathan Crane Has Interviewed HUNDREDS Of The World’s Top Oncologists, Doctors, And Dieticians…

All So That He Can Bring You These Evidence-Based Strategies For Healing Cancer… Without Cutting, Burning, Or Poisoning Your Body.

Order Nathan Crane’s NEW Book "The Missing Link"

And Get A Complimentary Copy of His #1 Amazon Bestseller “Becoming Cancer Free" Plus $139 in FREE Bonus Gifts. Available Only On This Page!

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It’s Time That We Address The ROOT CAUSE Of Cancer, Instead Of Masking The Symptoms…

This is a STARTLING fact that you’ll find in one of the books I want to give you today.

Because not too long ago, American scientists ran a 5 year study to see how effective chemotherapy was at helping cancer patients.

Their goal was to simply see how many people survived 5 years after getting chemotherapy.

Do you want to guess how many people survived?

Since it’s the common practice used by the Pharmaceutical industry (they profit over $170 BILLION per year from it), and the treatment almost EVERY classical doctor recommends…

You might think that the stats for chemotherapy look pretty good.

Some of you might think that the survival rate would be 50%! So 5 years ago, if 100 of your friends had gotten chemotherapy, half of them would have survived…

But that’s not even close…

Because 40% of them didn’t survive…

Neither did 20%…

Out Of 100 People Who Went Through That Chemotherapy Trial… Around 2 Of Them Survived After 5 Years

And to be exact, they found the survival rate to be only 2.1%.

What the heck are we doing?

Yeah, in some cases, of course chemotherapy is a good last resort… but why are doctors still recommending it to ALL of their patients?

Why do we still act like just handing chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery out to every patient is the ONLY option?

Well, it’s NOT!

Because the world’s top scientists now know the truth… while the medical and pharmaceutical industry are stuck in the 1950’s…

When you go straight to the source, the world’s leading integrative doctors and researchers… you see a completely different story.

Because when you toss aside the corporate greed…

And you solve the ROOT PROBLEM that actually causes cancer…

You see patients walk away becoming completely cancer free. You see tumors that go into complete remission without chemotherapy…

And you see people doing it without spending $100,000’s on pharmaceutical drugs…

But You May Be Wondering... Who Am I? And What Makes Me Qualified To Talk About This?

Hi, my name is Nathan Crane.

I’m not a doctor. I’m not a surgeon. And I’m not a scientist.

But, that works to your advantage.

Why? Because of my outside approach… I can bring together the world’s TOP cancer researchers, oncologists, surgeons, scientists, dieticians…

I can go to the cutting edge of the science, translate it in a way that you can understand, all so that you get an inside look into what’s healing cancer, right now.

If I were a normal doctor, odds are, you would only get my limited opinion. And with how much information is out there… there’s NO WAY that one person can know everything about healing or preventing cancer…

So my job here is to bring the best of ALL scientific industries so that you have the best chances of preventing or beating cancer.

You don’t just have to trust in me, but you can also trust in the WORLD-LEADING experts that I bring to you.

In fact, my god-given gift to bring the best scientists and doctors in the world together has led to me becoming a 19X award-winning film maker for my documentaries. I’m now a renowned cancer researcher, and I have the ability to bring you the best of the best…

Through me, you have access to the world’s brightest minds. Scientists and doctors who would normally be impossible for you to have access from… they’ll be on your side… and they’ll help you win the fight against cancer.

And that’s why we’re here today.

Because After 10 Years Of Interviewing These Experts… Creating Documentaries… And Getting An Inside Look Into The Future Of Cancer Treatment & Prevention…

Something astonishing happened.

Over the last year, our understanding of cancer has DRAMATICALLY changed. We’ve had a breakthrough that’s so MASSIVE, that I predict the way we heal and prevent cancer will be COMPLETELY different within the next 5 years…

And since I regularly talk to these scientists and oncologists who are on the cutting edge…

I have an inside look into this breakthrough… and that’s the whole reason that I’m writing to you today. Because this Breakthrough could the a complete gamechanger for you…

It could be the ONE THING that dramatically changes your “health destiny.” Where cancer is no longer a scary demon that haunts you at night, ruins your health, and steals everything that you love…

But it turns into a “Paper Toothed Tiger” that you laugh at, because you finally know the truth, you know the real reason why cancer is growing like wildfire in America…

And most importantly.

You know how easy it is to stop it.

So, What Really Causes Cancer Then?

Most people think it’s…



Lack of exercise.


Toxins in the environment. 


But according to the world-renowned Dr. Bruce Lipton, there’s something that’s easily 10 times more important than any of those…

Something that most people don’t think of.

It’s a “Missing Link” in the cancer story…

And the reason this is SO DANGEROUS… is because when it’s active in your body, it surpressed your immune system…

And when enough of this dangerous chemical builds up, your body loses it’s natural ability to heal cancer…

With your natural defences down, that’s when cancer starts to grow in your body.

And no matter what you do (chemo, radiation, surgery, ANYTHING)… if you don’t get rid of this “Missing Link,” cancer will keep coming back…

So What Is This Missing Link?

This missing link is “Background Cortisol.”

Cortisol is natural hormone that’s found in your body, and scientists call it the “Stress Hormone.”

You know that cortisol is running out of control when you feel anxious, your heart is beating, you’re worried, or you keep ruminating on something that happened in the past…

This stress BLOCKS your immune system… and makes it almost impossible for your body to heal cancer.

But what causes this “Background Cortisol” in the first place?

Well, there are a few things…

Stressful Events.


Social Pressure.

Emotional Buildup.


All of these “Emotional Toxins” cause cortisol to build up that ACTIVELY dampens your immune system, increases inflammation, and directly leads to cancer. 

This isn’t “woo-woo” either…

Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals why you can eat all the right foods, undergo chemotherapy, surgery, remove ALL the toxins in your home. But your cancer cells will still fester, multiply, and grow your tumors. (Or if you don’t have cancer yet, this can lead to a diagnosis.) 

Why Dr. Jenn Simmons quit her mastectomy surgery practice after healing her autoimmune disease using functional medicine (HINT: It’s because she realized that surgery was NOT the best option for women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. And you won’t believe what happens next.) 

What’s the ACTUAL root cause of cancer? Well, Dr. Kevin Conners, who runs an alternative Cancer Treatment Center in Minnesota has some ideas that you’ll REALLY want to know. 

Just Keep In Mind…

This Is Your ONLY Chance To Own The Docuseries & All The Exclusive Bonuses At 66% OFF

Because once you leave this page, you won’t see this offer again.

There’s been something missing to this cancer story...

Some unexplainable reason as to WHY this terrible thing happens to us…

And why, even though our technology is MORE advanced than ever, we’re sicker than ever. 

Well, this package has EVERYTHING that you’ve been wanting to know. And it gives you a clear roadmap to the health that you deserve… without selling your house so that you can pay for treatments… without cutting, burning, or poisoning your body…

And without having smug doctors look down on you, just because you question the system… and want to know about the “missing link” to cancer treatment and prevention. 

That’s what sets this package apart. 

After watching this docuseries, and all of the AMAZING bonuses that come from it… the constant stress that you feel, the fear of your next doctor visit, and the HORROR of ongoing chemotherapy and radiation will fade away…

Cancer will turn from a scary monster… a being of chaos that throws you into the unknown… into a paper-toothed tiger that you laugh at.