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“Nathan, your books were immediately devoured yesterday afternoon. They’re the best and most comprehensive books I have seen to support natural healing for all diseases and conditions! Many pages were copied and highlighted… but you had me at “Take Back Your Power.” Your books already have been and will continue to be highly recommended to many friends and associates. And I plan to purchase 3 copies… one to “hold”, one to give to a friend who co-reads with me, and one for loan.” — Julie
You’ll find that The Missing Link is not a long, boring read filled with 400+ pages of the same old stuff you’ve heard over and over again.
My goal here is to cut through all of the noise to give you the best science-backed information on treating and preventing cancer.
You don’t have any time to waste… so filling this book with a bunch of fluff would be doing you a massive disservice.
That’s why The Missing Link is only 58 pages long… but it’s 58-pages jam-packed with valuable information that no one is talking about (yet).
In fact, you’ll find 22+ EVIDENCE-BASED strategies from the world’s top experts to cleanse the “missing link” to cancer once and for all. These strategies come from the front-lines of Holistic and traditional cancer research…
Here’s a small teaser for what’s inside…
A Quiz you can take RIGHT NOW that can reveal whether or not the “missing link” is making it impossible for you to naturally heal cancer.
How healing your trauma, anxiety, or depression DOESN’T have to involve tough therapy, inner child healing, or tap work… but the real solution could be this “Brain Food” that balances nutritional deficiencies, and automatically allows the brain to cleanse itself.
3 Supplements that Dr. Armen recommends for patients who want to cleanse negativity, trauma, and anxiety.
What Chinese Medicine says is the REAL ROOT CAUSE behind cancer.
In the 1990’s… Dr. Simonton studied THOUSANDS of his cancer patients… and he noticed these 4 COMMON THEMES between all of his patients.
How the University of Wisconsin’s Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center found a DIRECT linkage between negative emotions, stress, and cancer growth.
The “Plus Flip” you can do in 10 seconds that can help your immune system to fight off cancer.
How Dr. Noam Sphancer, professor of Psychology at the Otterbein University recommends that you react to a cancer diagnosis.
This Shocking study from the University of Arizona studied 150 women, and found that those taught techniques to regulate their emotions had FAR less stress and inflammation (and a better ability to fight off cancer).
How the University of London found a DIRECT LINK between unresolved anger, hostility and heart disease.
How to practice “Cancer Meditation” to put your mind at ease, lower your stress, and aide your body’s ability to fight off cancer.
The link between your body’s ability to heal cancer and prayer.
This 20 minute habit you can practice once per week to cleanse emotional wounds, heal cancer, and ease your stress.
Practice this simple habit for 10 minutes per day, and this will release MUCH of your stress and negative emotions. (One trial published in the Journal of Mental Disease found that after just 6 weeks of this, 90% of veterans had COMPLETE reversal of their PTSD symptoms.)
And many more!
The Missing Link focuses on how to cleanse your body of something called “background cortisol” with laser-beam precision (trust me, you’ll be hearing about it from mainstream medicine… eventually).
And my book “Becoming Cancer Free” gives you an overall roadmap for how to conquer cancer.
Again, like with The Missing Link… Becoming Cancer Free isn’t just the culmination of my expertise, but also the expertise of the HUNDREDS of world-class doctors and scientists who I interviewed to make this possible.
And what happened is really incredible…
Because after years of work, I selected the best, MOST-EFFECTIVE strategies from these Integrative Doctors…
And I neatly packaged them into a 7 Step Process to Beating Cancer.
These 7 steps covers every area of your life that you need to have in order so that you can conquer cancer. (And it makes it easy because you just have to follow the step by step instructions.
This book covers more ground, so it comes in at 143 pages of no-fluff information.
Here’s a small taste of what you’ll discover…
How Elaine Gibson reversed her Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphona… at 75 years old (and now she will have the freedom to watch her grandchildren grow up while looking AND feeling like a 55 year old!)
Why doctors are taught in medical school to give the worst case scenario, as a prognosis, to prevent them from being sued. (And the DIASTROUS effect that has on your survival chances).
Why doctors are NOT taught to reverse chronic disease like cancer.
How to re-activate your “Inner Healer” so that your body can automatically fight off cancer.
How to build your “Integrative Success Team”… And why you should avoid going with strictly natural or traditional treatments.
How to detox these hidden cancer-causing toxins.
Plus, you’ll receive my ultimate holistic plan to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to prevent or reverse cancer at the end of the book.
(Physical Hard Copies Available at Checkout)
You can send this extra package to somebody as immediately after you checkout today. Or, you can save it and wait until somebody you know REALLY needs it.
Why are we doing this? Because it’s an easy for way to us to reach twice as many people and potentially save twice as many lives! And now you can help us!
FREE BONUS: Cancer’s Favorite Food ($19 value)
What science REALLY says about the way that our bodies react to this common ingredient. (And how it is actually related to diabetes, heart disease, AND cancer).
How to detox a little-known, hidden chemical from your body, so that it stops feeding tumor cells.
How to suppress cancer growth by detoxing this household ingredient out of your body. (As supported by this 2011 study from the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism).
FREE BONUS: The Water-Tumor Connection ($19 value)
Water’s healthy for you, right? WRONG! How to know if the water you’re drinking is causing inflammation in your body. And what to do about it.
How to boost your immune system to fight cancer, without cutting, burning, or poisoning your cells. (The secret lies in this special type of water.)
10 toxic contaminants that could be hiding in your water. (And how easy it can be to flush them out).
FREE BONUS: Is Your Indoor Air Causing Cancer? ($19 value)
A shocking study that reveals how your home could have more air pollution than the musty streets of New York City.
10 little-known sources of indoor air pollution that could lead to lung cancer
The deadly link between air toxins, inflammation, and cancer.
6 easy steps to “detox” the air in your home without having to buy an EXPENSIVE air purifier.
FREE BONUS: The #1 Cancer-Causing Toxin ($19 value)
What cancer treatment will probably look like in 20 years, and how you can get access to the future of cancer treatment starting today.
How to create an anti-cancer body, that makes it almost impossible for cancer cells to live in.
Why you can fight cancer with chemotherapy, diet, radiation, surgery, and even natural medicine… but the cancer still comes back again and again.
FREE BONUS: 31 Anti-Cancer Quick & Easy Recipes ($19 value)
What’s the best anti-cancer diet? Is it vegan, macrobiotic, ketogenic, or paleolithic? You’ll find the answer inside directly from the top medical doctors.
Discover the BEST cancer-fighting foods, including the one food that actually can cut your cancer risk in HALF.
31 delicious recipes that slow aging and fight disease.
You’ll also find 4 cancer-causing foods to avoid that not everyone knows about. See which foods you must eliminate from your diet immediately.
FREE BONUS: 5 Daily Things To Prevent Cancer ($19 value)
5-Minute Morning Routine. This habit is like a “silver bullet” when it comes to cancer.
Top Cancer-Fighting Foods. Discover the one food that can cut cancer risk in half.
Powerful Ancient Practices. This simple Biblical approach reduces risk up to 95%.
Best Medicinal Exercises. See which simple movements can help prevent cancer & why.
FREE BONUS: 17 Hidden Toxins To Remove From Your Home ($19 value)
The Products Linked to Cancer. This includes chapstick, dish soap, and many more.
What to Look For on the Label. How to spot toxins “hiding” under another name.
How to Choose SAFE Products. Tell at a glance if the products you use are safe.
17 of the worst toxins hiding in your bathroom, kitchen, and more.
FREE BONUS: 15 Proven Protocols For Healing Cancer ($19 value)
The G-Bomb Diet. See what this celebrity doctor recommends for his cancer patients.
4 At-Home Remedies. The simple solutions that can help prevent up to 90% of cancers.
Breakthrough Treatments. What doctors are prescribing instead of chemotherapy.
Cleanses & Detoxification. Discover these simple practices for detoxifying your body.
FREE BONUS: Choose One Of Our Cancer Healing Collections ($47 value)*
*After checkout, you can choose one of these collections FREE. Includes multiple expert videos, audios, and transcripts.
The Eat To Defeat Cancer Collection
The Energy Healing Cancer Collection
The Autoimmunity & Cancer Collection
The Fasting & Detox Cancer Collection
Take the next 60 days to read through everything in these books and apply it to your daily life using the step-by-step instructions I’ve given you.
And if you don’t feel like it’s made a massive improvement in your life…
You don’t have to pay for it. But even if this happens, please keep applying what you’ve learned because for some people it takes longer to see results.
(Physical Hard Copies Available at Checkout)
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